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Salesforce Data Cloud is a Game Changer

Salesforce Data Cloud is here to help enterprises move from being transaction centric to information based. Recording sales, processing orders, and tracking customer interactions through various processes is what helped Salesforce grow to one of the world’s largest enterprise software companies. Typically, Salesforce is one node in a complex network of loosely integrated applications and services. Modern data warehousing and data lakes have served as a hub to bring disparate data sources together for analysis. Data Cloud aims to solve integrating disparate data for analysis and action.

Salesforce Data Cloud 

Activating data into assets into decisions and actions across systems is hard work. Salesforce Data Cloud offers a comprehensive suite of tools to create relationships not only be tween disparate systems, but also data lakes and data warehouses. Salesforce is leaning on modern standards and learning into Snowflake, DataBricks, and Google Cloud. Acknowledging and integrating existing data cloud investments is a big part of Salesforce’s vision to “bring your own data lake.”

So far most of the messaging and examples for activating Data Cloud are facilitating better data-driven customer experiences . It sounds great in writing, but the journey for enterprises will require true cross discipline and organization collaboration.

CRM Transactional System of Record

CRM systems have traditionally served as the transactional system of record, capturing customer interactions, sales transactions, and service requests. While valuable, these transactional records often provide a limited view of customer relationships and preferences. Salesforce Data Cloud expands on this foundation by integrating additional data sources and enriching customer profiles with contextual insights, behavioral data and centralizing many customer signals.

Salesforce CRM

How Salesforce Data Cloud Organizes Data Graphs

Salesforce CRM organizes a relational model that connects accounts, contacts, and activities. Data Cloud creates a data graph that establishes connections based on various objects, including purchase history, communication channels, social interactions, and demographic data. Learn more about Salesforce Data Graph Structures

This graph structure is powerful when implemented, but integrating disparate data into Data Cloud requires the same expertise, thoughtful design, and deep understanding of data / meta-data management. 

Salesforce Data Cloud Connects to Disparate Business Applications and Data Clouds

One of the strengths of Salesforce Data Cloud lies in its ability to connect to disparate systems meta-data all within a common and familiar Salesforce cloud. Putting structured and semi structured data from business applications, cloud tools, and other data lakes are possible.  Whether it’s CRM platforms, marketing automation tools, social media channels, e-commerce platforms, Data Cloud integrates data from diverse sources into a unified data graph. This integration eliminates data silos and timely data extraction and management processes to gain visibility needed to understand data relationships. 

Shift from Single Centralized System / Source of Truth 

Coupled with innovative “zero-copy” data integration via “bring your own data lake”, Data Cloud is primed to integrate many clouds like Snowflake, Databricks, and Google Cloud platform without the expensive and slow bottlenecks that can occur with big data and dealing with terabytes of information. The ultimate 360-degree view of a customer has been the battle cry for every business software product for years. Only a small fraction of enterprises that embarked on the journey have publicly shared their success and have also produced sustained growth numbers to match the success story.

Key Features of Salesforce Data Cloud 

Data Cloud Components

Data Governance

Data governance is another critical aspect of Salesforce Data Cloud. With robust security measures, data encryption, and compliance tools, organizations can ensure data integrity, privacy, and regulatory adherence. Additionally, advanced analytics and AI for deploying models, predictive analytics, and AI-driven insights are pivotal to putting data to action. 

Integration with Salesforce Ecosystem 

A key strength of Salesforce Data Cloud lies in its seamless integration with the broader Salesforce ecosystem. This integration extends to Salesforce CRM, Marketing Cloud, Service Cloud, and other Salesforce products, creating a unified data environment. Furthermore, integration with third-party applications and APIs enhances functionality and flexibility, allowing organizations to customize data workflows and processes according to their specific needs.

This unified ecosystem streamlines data management, enhances collaboration across teams, and accelerates time-to-insight. Whether it’s enriching CRM data with external sources, automating micro-segmentation marketing campaigns based on event and time sensitive insights, or leveraging AI-driven analytics for sales forecasting, the integration capabilities of Salesforce Data Cloud empower organizations to extract maximum value from their data assets.

Data Governance and Compliance

In heightened data privacy concerns and regulatory scrutiny, Salesforce Data Cloud prioritizes data governance and compliance. Robust security measures, including data encryption, access controls, and audit trails, ensure that sensitive information remains protected at all times. Compliance tools help organizations adhere to industry regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, and more, mitigating compliance risks and enhancing trust with customers.

Additionally, the growing emphasis on ethical data practices, transparency, and data privacy will shape the evolution of data cloud platforms. Salesforce’s commitment to data ethics, trust, and security positions Salesforce Data Cloud as a trusted partner in navigating the complexities of modern data management.

Challenges and Considerations 

While Salesforce Data Cloud offers immense value in concept, organizations may encounter certain challenges during implementation. These challenges may include data migration complexities, meta-data mapping, integration with legacy systems, and user training requirements. Addressing these challenges requires careful planning, stakeholder buy-in, and a phased approach to deployment. 

Getting Started with Salesforce Data Cloud

The future of data management revolves around agility, intelligence, and scalability. Salesforce Data Cloud is well-positioned to address emerging trends such as AI-augmented everything, machine learning, and real-time data processing. The convergence of data integration, analytics, and AI capabilities under one integrated platform is certainly attractive for enterprises vested in Salesforce.

Curated Salesforce Data Cloud Resources

Salesforce Data Cloud represents could represent a complete paradigm shift in how you think about Salesforce as a data integration platform. Conversely it could simply provide an opportunity to displace existing, expensive tooling that have been streamlined with Salesforce Data Cloud integrations and partnerships. Building and refining your strategy to transition from transaction-centric to information-driven solution should point to measurable results first. Your path to success starts with a clear data, analytics, and AI strategy.

Our team at DataTools Pro is thrilled to see how early adopters embrace Salesforce Cloud not only to displace previous technology investments, but also take a leap forward in customer service and engagement.

Top Salesforce Data Cloud Resources for Learning

Salesforce Data Cloud Resources

We have pooled together Salesforce Data Cloud resources from top experts to help get you up to speed. Salesforce Data Cloud is designed to streamline the organization and unification of data across Salesforce’s extensive ecosystem and beyond. Integrating external data sources and salesforce data seamlessly, Data Cloud was designed to ingest, share, manage, and operationalize data, enabling a deeper connection with customers through personalized experiences and targeted engagement.

At the heart of Data Cloud’s capabilities is the creation of unified customer profiles. The holly grail of a single unified view of a customer to drive understanding and hyper personalized engagement. Data Cloud isn’t a simple Salesforce feature. It is a suite of capabilities that requires a cross breed of skills to succeed.

Do you have insights and experience to share Data Cloud Resources?

Feel free to send us a note on any channel and we are happy to add your data cloud resource to this list.

Exciting New Native Salesforce Snowflake Integration

Salesforce and Snowflake Integration

When it comes to optimizing your business processes and data analytics, Salesforce and Snowflake stand as two potent platforms, each with its own ecosystem of developers, stakeholders, and users. The Salesforce Snowflake Integration is an essential conduit that amplifies the bond between these two cloud platforms.

Salesforce and Snowflake Integration

Native Salesforce Snowflake Integration: A Milestone in Native Data Sharing

Earlier this week, Salesforce and Snowflake made a groundbreaking announcement: the general availability of native Salesforce data sharing for Snowflake,  via what is colloquially referred to as “BYOL” (Bring Your Own License). This is a significant advancement, especially for Snowflake users familiar with the benefits of zero-copy sharing, a core Snowflake feature. With this integration, gone are the days when you needed layers of additional software, services, and complex processes to bridge the two platforms. This is where the Salesforce Snowflake Connector comes into play, simplifying data access and queries between Salesforce and Snowflake.

Skill Enhancement through Certification Paths

Salesforce Data Cloud serves as a data hub orchestrating a wide range of business activities—be it CRM, marketing, or or any web/mobile activities. To encourage this, Salesforce recently launched its Certified-Data-Cloud-Consultant learning path. This will help Salesforce organizations readily find skilled professionals adept in Salesforce Snowflake Integration.

Salesforce Runs on Snowflake: Following the Leader

In a revelation that should add credibility and assurance to the Salesforce Snowflake Integration, Salesforce’s internal data and analytics have migrated to run on Snowflake. This shows Salesforce is not just advocating for the technology but using it themselves, setting the stage for rapid advancements in Salesforce and Snowflake connectivity.

Transforming AI/ML Workloads

The Salesforce and Snowflake partnership holds tremendous promise for accelerating the time-to-value from your Salesforce data assets. From curating data to deploying ML models, the integration, facilitated by the Salesforce Snowflake Connector, will enable enterprises to leverage their data in novel ways, including the utilization of advanced AI features. There are many first and third party powered solutions to weave your model deployment efforts.

Need Help Navigating these Waters?

We have been in front of Salesforce and Snowflake integrating analytics apps for years. We recreantly wrote the  Salesforce data synchronization to Snowflake Guide and can’t wait to extend this into DataCloud. We have an incredible partner network that can help you implement any Salesforce or Snowflake Cloud components (CDP, MarketingCloud, Tableau).

Schedule a meeting to learn more

Ultimate Salesforce and Snowflake Guide on Salesforce Ben

Salesforce Ben

This week Ryan released a guide for Salesforce and Snowflake on Salesforce Ben. Salesforce Ben is the leading independent community and authority on all things

Snowflake and Salesforce is a perfect marriage of cloud business applications and cloud data platform to turn data into information. Salesforce has built a powerful first-class integration within Salesforce Data Cloud that is the most advanced of any third party connectivity

If you are currently using Salesforce Data Cloud or Salesforce Tableau CRM this article is for you. Additionally, while at SnowflakeSummit2023, we saw some incredible Salesforce Data Cloud enhancements for Snowflake that will be game changing for enterprise cusetomers.

We can’t wait to write about upcoming zero copy feature from Salesforce to Snowflake. Included in our article is step by step tutorials how to integrate Salesforce with Snowflake to day. Should you have any questions how these capabilities apply to your enterprise or how Snowflake can advance your Salesforce analytics, we are here to help!