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Applied LLMs: Prompt Design Framework for Great Results

Prompt Engineering

AI Prompt Design Importance and Challenges

The design of prompts plays a pivotal role in determining the success and efficacy of large language model chat bots. Prompt design encompasses various elements that contribute to optimal AI performance whereby having clear and concise instructions improves the result. One of the frameworks that encapsulates these essential elements is RISEN, which stands for Role, Instruction, Steps, End Goal, and Narrowing.

Let’s dive into each component of RISEN, explore its importance, and learn how to produce better results when you follow best practices from providers like ChatGPT,

Using RISEN for Effective AI Prompt Design

I first learned about RISEN while searching for formal prompt design frameworks mostly because there was limited credible guidance. The origins of RISEN can be credited back to Kyle Balmer on his promptentrepreneur TikTok channel. In the world of data and analytics, we have used LLMs to translate and convert business and data requirements:

R.I.S.E.N Prompt Components

Role: Ensures AI understands the role it needs to play for accurate responses.
Example: Act as a data consultant proposing a comprehensive strategy for implementing Salesforce Data Cloud in an organization.

Instruction: Provides clear directives to guide the AI’s actions.
Example: “Develop a proposal outlining the strategy, benefits, and implementation plan for Salesforce Data Cloud.”

Steps: Outlines the specific steps or components to follow.

  1. Start with an executive summary explaining the purpose and importance of Salesforce Data Cloud.
  2. Detail the key benefits of adopting Salesforce Data Cloud.
  3. Outline the step-by-step implementation plan, including data migration, integration, and user training.
  4. Provide a timeline and budget estimate for the implementation.
  5. Conclude with potential challenges and mitigation strategies.

End Goal: Defines the desired outcome of the prompt.
Example: Create a comprehensive proposal that convinces stakeholders of the value and feasibility of implementing Salesforce Data Cloud, ultimately leading to project approval and execution.

Narrowing: Sets constraints or requirements to refine the output.
Example: The proposal should be 2,000-2,500 words, use professional language, and include relevant data and case studies to support the arguments.

Final RISEN Prompt

The final compiled prompt looks like the following. Give it a shot in your AI Chatbot of choice!

Act as a Salesforce consultant proposing a comprehensive strategy for implementing Salesforce Data Cloud in an organization. 

Develop a proposal outlining the strategy, benefits, and implementation plan for Salesforce Data Cloud. 

Start with an executive summary explaining the purpose and importance of Salesforce Data Cloud.

Detail the key benefits of adopting Salesforce Data Cloud.

Outline the step-by-step implementation plan, including data migration, integration, and user training.

Provide a timeline and budget estimate for the implementation.

Conclude with potential challenges and mitigation strategies.

Create a comprehensive proposal that convinces stakeholders of the value and feasibility of implementing Salesforce Data Cloud, ultimately leading to project approval and execution.

The proposal should be 2,000-2,500 words, use professional language, and include relevant data and case studies to support the arguments. 

Challenges in AI Prompt Design

Despite its importance, AI prompt design presents several challenges…

Context Sensitivity: Designing prompts that are contextually relevant and sensitive to user intent can be challenging. Not all AI chatbots are built alike and the underlying data and context can vary.

Balancing Simplicity and Complexity: Finding the right balance between simple prompts for user understanding and complex prompts for detailed interactions is challenging. For example, in a financial planning AI, balancing prompts that are easy to understand for general users while providing in-depth analysis for financial experts requires careful design.

Dynamic Interaction: Designing prompts that adapt dynamically to user input and feedback can be complex. For instance, in a recommendation system, prompts need to evolve based on user preferences and interactions to deliver personalized recommendations effectively. For example, OpenAI’s ChatGPT has been designed per chat session to maintain continuity over time.

Multimodal Interaction: Integrating multiple modes of interaction, such as voice, text, and imagery, into prompt design adds complexity and opportunity for increasing context beyond what you can type. “A picture is worth a million words” which holds true for multi-modal generative AI.

Cultural Sensitivity: Designing prompts that are culturally sensitive and inclusive requires consideration of diverse user backgrounds and preferences. For example, in a language translation AI, prompts need to account for linguistic nuances and cultural differences to avoid misunderstandings.

Despite these challenges, the RISEN framework provides a structured approach for interating with large language models while optimizing prompt design.

Bottom Line on Prompt Design

While crafting prompts for AI can be tricky, the RISEN framework and consistent approach to build good prompts. By focusing on role, instruction, and other key principles, you can confidently tackle any large language model chat bot and extract maximum value!

Snowflake and Microsoft Expand their Data and AI Partnership

Microsoft and Snowflake Logos

Snowflake and Microsoft, announced a press release at Snowflake Summit 2023 that they are expanding their partnership promising substantial advancements for data scientists and developers. This enhanced collaboration is set to seamlessly merge Snowflake’s Data Cloud with Microsoft’s Azure ML, extending its capabilities through the potent combination of Azure OpenAI and Microsoft Cognitive Services.

This strategic alliance means that Snowflake and Microsoft Azure shared customers will gain access to the cutting-edge frameworks of Azure ML, a streamlined process for machine learning development right through to production, along with integrated continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) processes.

But this partnership doesn’t stop there. Snowflake is setting its sights on creating even more meaningful integrations with a host of Microsoft offerings, aiming to elevate the user experience even further. These plans include closer ties with Purview for advanced data governance, Power Apps & Automate for simplified, low code/no code application development, Azure Data Factory for efficient ELT processes, and Power BI for intuitive data visualization, among others.

The end goal? To foster a seamless ecosystem that capitalizes on the synergies between Snowflake and Microsoft’s product suites, unlocking new possibilities and delivering unparalleled value to users.

At DataTools Pro, we couldn’t be more excited to see our favorite data platform, Snowflake, with new enhancements that make data management easier. Azure balances powerful data management with scalable cost that makes sense for our clients. Additionally PowerBI continues to advance its dominance for Business Intelligence. We have been working with Snowflake and Microsoft together for years and have built a toolkit that can help you jumpstart Snowflake and Azure integration.

Learn how to use Azure Data Factory and Snowflake Together

We have created free interactive step by step tutorials to help you get started!

Create a Snowflake Data Source in Azure Data Factory

Create a Data Pipeline to Connect Salesforce to Snowflake

Publish your ADF Pipeline, Data Sets, and Triggers

Create an ADF Scheduled Trigger


Azure Data Factory for Snowflake Articles

More Getting Started Tutorials

3 Common Data Migration Issues to Avoid

Salesforce data migration pitfalls

Data migration can be a complex process, especially when moving to a new system like In this article, we’ll explore 3 common Data Migration Issues that you should avoid at all costs. Whether it’s poor project planning, communication gaps, or lack of engagement from business stakeholders, these challenges can all contribute to a less-than-successful migration. But with the right approach, Data Migration can be a smooth and efficient process.

Issue 1: Poor project planning and expectations

One of the biggest challenges of Data Migration is poor project planning and expectations. Without clear communication and process gaps between the Salesforce development, business, and data migration teams, a successful migration becomes less likely. In order to avoid this pitfall, it’s important to establish crystal clear expectations between all parties involved.

  1. Salesforce team and data migration specialists need to communicate changes to the data model in the final weeks leading up to go-live. This sets best practices for managing Salesforce and prevents un-intended, time consuming issues.
  2. Data migration specialists and business stakeholders need to agree what data is migrated from the old business app into In some cases this mapping exercise will surface missing fields or functionality.
  3. Delivery team and business stakeholders should work together to ensure training occurs with real data if you are moving your entire process from an old system into

Issue 2: Attempt to fix too many data quality while moving data

When migrating data from one business application to another, such as, it is important to address any data quality issues that may have been previously ignored. This is because automations and validation rules in the new system may highlight these issues. To ensure that the data migration process is as smooth as possible, it is best to perform extensive data quality adjustments in the source system or after the data has been migrated.

Additionally, offers a vast ecosystem of solutions and apps, one of which is Cloudingo, which can be a valuable tool for data cleanup during migration. By cleaning the data at the source or after migration, you can ensure that the data is accurate and consistent in your new system.

Issue 3: Manual, human initiated data movement

If your developers or consultant suggests using DataLoader and Excel for your data migration, it is important to keep in mind that this approach is definitely not be suitable for complex migrations. It is crucial to thoroughly test the migration process in a sandbox environment, running end-to-end migration many times before migrating to production. With that said, you also shouldn’t need to spend a lot of money on technology to migrate your data. Here are some free data tools for that you can share with your tech team.

Have a Salesforce Data Migration Blueprint for Success

There are lots of resources on the web including the ones we provide for free. Here are key components that you should build into your own successful data migration plan.

  • Project timeline + milestones
    Having clear milestone and working backwards from “go-live” no less than 6 weeks will help you avoid under-scoping your data migration into
  • Data migration object inventory
    Scorecard to track and report progress and issues through the entire migration lifecycle
  • Data mapping docs
    Excel / Google Sheets with data mapping and definitions is how a lot of data mapping gets complete. Now we are working on Data Tools Pro free utility to help with the work.
  • End to end migration checklist
    Complete, documented data migration checklist of all steps that need to occur for migration.
  • Business continuity plan
    Not typically a part of data migration but something that helps align expectations for what happens on day 1. There are no-redos on migration once users start updating data in

Need Help Planning ?

Our migration Blueprint and Services are designed with these common issues in mind.

We have a free assessment and checklist to guide you down the path to success!

Salesforce Data Migration Plan to Success

Salesforce Data Migration Tool Review

Salesforce DevTool Chrome extension provides ERD and

Free Salesforce DevTool Extension for Chrome

Salesforce DevTools extension for Chrome is by far the most useful Salesforce data migration tool for administrators looking to inventory objects and fields. For data migrations in particular this tool has been so valuable as a time saver and provided foundation and inspiration our own Salesforce Migration tools.

Generate Salesforce Relationships Diagrams (ERD)

In DevTools, similar to exporting an Excel file, you can also export a Salesforce ERD, giving you an entity relationship diagram with a few clicks.

Download Salesforce Fields to Excel

In DevTools, you can search and select a list of objects, then download the field definitions directly to Excel. entity relationship diagram generator

Workbench: Great for Salesforce Data Migration

Workbench for is a very useful free that offers the most functionality for working with Salesforce data. With a variety of administrative functions you can execute a wide range of tasks including but not limited to

  • Testing SOQL queries
  • Explore your data model
  • Explore the Salesforce Rest API
Salesforce workbench allows you to query and test APX

Workbench Trick: Mass Delete Records in Salesforce

Inside of Workbench, you can run APEX code, so one helpful trick is deleting data from a SOQL query which opens the door to not only delete more than the 250 cap but more importantly allow deletion of records for custom objects.

Here is an example code snippet shown above that would delete 10,000 accounts where we can specify any conditions like records created after 11-20-2022.

delete[SELECT id FROM Account WHERE CreatedDate > 2022-11-20T01:01:01Z LIMIT 1000];

Need more Salesforce Data Migration Tool Recommendations?

We are here to help provide recommendations for free and premium solutions to move data into Feel free to check out our Migration Assessment for to lean on our experience.