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Data Tools Smart Dictionary

A Free Smart Salesforce Dictionary for Object, Report & Metrics Mapping

A simple, free, dictionary tool for translating between Salesforce, data, analytics, and business definitions.

Salesforce Dictionary Features

Create Structure

We designed our dictionary tool for Salesforce with reporting and analysis in mind. You can identify and define your most important fields and highlight key metrics to get the most out of your meta-data.

ChatGPT Salesforce Formula Analyzer

Work Smarter

We use the APIs behind ChatGPT to help you research, learn, and document your Salesforce formulas to ensure that your definitions align with your metrics. This will help you analyze and understand your meta-data more efficiently.

Move Faster

You can quickly toggle between your most important objects and fields using our tool. Our interactive filtering and search functions make it easy to find what you need. Export and share your dictionary in common file formats.

Salesforce Entity Relationship Diagram