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Web to Lead Salesforce

DataTools Funnel: Web to Lead Salesforce Playbook

We create clean data, consistent process, and clear visibility into your Salesforce funnel

4 Steps to Perfect Your Web to Lead Salesforce Process

Win more customers

Win More Customers

Your organizational objective isn’t to pump more leads into your Salesforce org; it’s to generate more revenue and profit while maximizing yield on your marketing spend. That is why we reverse the funnel process to ensure every upstream process is designed with your objective in mind.

Connect Key Events to Results

Connect Key Events to Results

Your web to lead forms are one step in the process to onboard customers. Your effectiveness to track and associate events and attributes that drive conversion is what will help you optimize each step of your customer’s journey. We help map outcomes with the right data / analytics model.

Increase Lead Conversion

Increase Lead Conversion

We have integrated web to lead, marketing asset management, and Salesforce together so eliminate dupe leads and get consistent, quality data for analytics. We have put simplicity and data quality first to ensure marketers can move fast while remaining consistent.

Improve Web Visitor Tracking

Improve Web Visitor Tracking

We find and adopt best of best of breed tools that create a high investment/ return for clients of all sizes. Our partner tools track 30+ attributes for your web to lead process that are passed to Salesforce.

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