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Create a Snowflake Data Source in Azure Data Factory

1. Create Data Connections

Connect Azure Data Factory to

Connect Azure Data Factory to Snowflake

2. Create Data Sources

Create a Snowflake Data Source in Azure Data Factory

Connect to Salesforce Lead and Account Object with Azure ADF

3. Move Data Between Applications

Create a Data Pipeline to Connect Salesforce to Snowflake

Import Data Into Salesforce with Azure Data Factory 

4. Publishing and Administration

Publish your ADF Pipeline, Data Sets, and Triggers

Create an ADF Scheduled Trigger

Create a Snowflake Data Source in Azure Data Factory

In this example, we will guide you through the process to create a Snowflake Data Source in Azure Data Factory. This is an important building block for building data pipelines.

By following this step-by-step guide, you’ll be able to connect to a table in Snowflake and preview the contents of the table.

Related Tutorial:

Leading into this tutorial, we have another tutorial that illustrates how to Create Snowflake Table with Salesforce Leads Schema. The resulting Leads table is referenced in this step by step tutorial.

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