Starting with our beta 4 release, we have started posting public release notes. Now, DataTools Pro users can check in to see what new enhancements we have added and issues we have addressed.
Feel free to submit enhancements directly to our team via chat or email. We will happily prioritize and get enhancements into your hands with our monthly releases!
0.7.1 Release Coming 2024-12-06
0.7.0 Released 2024-11-25
User Experince
New Badges – Collect badges to learn features and understand the scope of capabilities available in DataTools Pro
Data Dictionary
- Governance attributes and filter added for standard Salesforce field level data governance visibility
Reports and Dashboards
- Minor updates for smaller screen sizes
- Last refresh date (indicating how recent the reports and dashboards list was refreshed)
- Automated refresh schedule (daily refresh)
- Add open report / dashboard button
- 0 Records messaging – When views are selected resulting in 0 dashboards and reports, we added instruction to help users understand and take advantage of DataTools features for better organization of reports
- Add multiple Salesforce instances for direct connectivity to map data between Salesforce instances.
- Hubspot Integration – Import standard data object schema from Hubspot for Migration.
- Permission added for adding and managing tags (categories) like Line of Business and Topic. Ensures admins can control who can manage categories
Bugs Crushed
- Reports and dashboards left/ right keyboard strokes showing index instead of title
0.6.0 Released 2024-10-30
- Zapier integration – Import metrics from any third party service supported by metrics
- New Salesforce Data Loader template file export for simplified and persistent mapping using Salesforce Data Loader.
Data Dictionary
- Scheduled change tracking – Automated daily updates to your object dictionary tracks changes.
- Added “Type” dropdown and filter for meta data change history
Reports and Dashboards
- Salesforce ID for report or dashboard added to all file exports
- Add report count icon to top of page for end user clarity how many reports are visible based on filters
Bugs Squashed
- Reporting and dashboards date formatting updated to yyyy-mm-dd for easier sorting
- User experience in report and dashboard multi-select results in duplicate records being displayed.
- Misc tooltip and capitalization and spelling cleanup on metrics and reports and dashboards
0.6.0 Released 2024-09-30
User Experience
- Dark mode moved from team to personal setting
- Team environment default – When a user is invited to a team edition of DataTools Pro, the team instance is showed by default.
- Consistent icons and color scheme for opening pages, reports
- API Token Management – Improved key masking UX
- User onboarding “what happens next” dialogue post invite.
- Error handling for users who authenticate but are disabled from viewing data dictionary
Entity Diagram
- Diagram positioning persisted in place permanently
- ERD Locking prevents accidental movement of nodes while interacting and presenting
- Selected colors – Selected objects in ERD highlight primary and foreign keys directly related to selected object.
- External IDs are included and colored red
- Improvements adding Tableau Pulse metrics
- New Integration – Import DataTools Pro metrics into Coda
- Private Beta- Export to Notion (available by direct request only).
- Google Analytics 4 metrics import
Reports and Dashboards
- Dashboard info window will display related reports to a dashboard.
Bugs Squashed
- Removing object from data dictionary incorrectly tagged fields as removed for change management.
- Dupe reports listed when dashboards added to metric
- Field name toggle on ERD disabled
0.5.0 Released 2024-07-31
This release we focused on delivering a simpler user experience, improve onboarding, and create more utility from our existing tools, ERDs in particular. We introduced a new tool into the toolbox for managing organizing, and navigating reports and dashboards.
Entity Diagrams
- Clone view
- ERD layout auto-save and locking
- Manage objects from ERD tool
- Data dictionary loads directly on ERD page
- ERD Selected Object Focus
Diagram settings (toggle Label vs API Name moved to views)
Metrics Connection Grouping
Reports / Dashboards – Requires Request to Enable
- Filter Reports by – Analytics Type, Folder, User, Created, Modified, Last Usage, Topic, Line of Business, Report Status
- Search and filter
- Multi-report tagging
- Report status
- Revised user experience
- Add Metrics bar re-design
- Add metrics from Tableau Pulse
- Clone object view
- Enhanced onboarding process for purchased licenses
- New video lessons added to help section
Bugs Squashed
- Removing purging deleted fields from Salesforce
- Deleted and re-added objects in showing as “deleted” fields
- Dictionary filter appearing empty
- False positive max users reached
- Field API to Label Toggle re-activated
- Arrow key metric toggle re-enabled
0.4.3 Released 2024-5-25
Metrics Analytics merge new and existing metrics
0.4.2 Released 2024-04-20
Our Beta 4.2 release includes a number of user suggested enhancements and tweaks to make onboarding simpler.
- Improved performance on dictionary and migration page loading
- Faster end user performance experience for selecting and adding Salesforce objects
- Merging new data analyst metrics
- View metrics change history
- Minimized metrics analyst processing will visually notify user on completion
- Metrics info window keyboard arrow navigation – Use keyboard arrow keys to quickly navigate metrics info window without exiting
- Dictionary info window keyboard arrow navigation – Use keyboard arrow keys to quickly navigate metrics info window without exiting
Other Enhancements
Revised guides for onboarding
Revised welcome screen for completed email sign up verification
0.4.1 Released 2024-03-08
Our 4.1 release was packed with minor UX tweaks based on feedback and the rollout of our metrics analyst AI feature.
- Metrics Analyst AI
- Metrics change log tracking
Data Migration
- Filter by Migration Status
- Filter by Formula
- Field History Tracking enhancements including filtering
- Tableau cloud connection configuration for our upcoming Tableau pulse import
0.4.0 – Released 2024-02-02
Data Migration
- New configurable SQL Code generation
- Field Auto-matching – Exact match rules
- Static value mapping displayed as static in mapping table
- Static value mapping properly rendered in SQL as a constant
- Metric linking overhauled user experience
- Fixed display bugs
- Added linking “influence on” and “influenced by” labeling for clarity
- Custom dashboard URL linking
- Bug- Added auto-dashboard and repot refresh from salesforce on first use.
- Last modified tracking for fields displays per object and field changes that have occurred to your Salesforce schema.
- DataTools Pro metrics API revised and finalized for v1
- First shared user is on us in exchange for feedback.
- Introductory pricing and payment via stripe introduced
- Improved help experience with live chat and context specific help