In this article we will connect Azure Data Factory to Snowflake using key pair authentication.
1. In ADF, go to Manage → Linked services.
2. Click + New → Choose Snowflake.
Set Azure ADF Properties for Snowflake

Warehouse: Your Snowflake warehouse name
Connection Type: Key Pair Authentication
Learn how to setup Snowflake Key Pair Authentication
Account Name: Use the Snowflake Account identifier, not to be confused with the account name. Snowflake has gone through a number of changes related to their account identifier. For Azure ADF specifically, you want to use the Account Identifier.
How to find the Snowflake Account Identifier: Navigate to Snowflake, select your user icon in the lower left corner. Hover over your account and click “View Account Details”.
- Your Account Identifier is represented as <<Organization Name>>.<<Account Name>>
- Do not add any other information than the account identifier like “https://”
- For Azure Snowflake you do not need to enter any details like “”

Warehouse: Your Snowflake warehouse name.
Database: The target database to test. You will be able to change the database later. Make sure your user has access to the database.
Configure your Private Key and key passphrase
Private Key: Attach your private key file like “private_key_encrypted.pem”
Private Key Passphrase: Enter your private keyphrase
Learn how to setup Snowflake Key Pair Authentication
Host: Leave blank.
Click Test Connection → If successful, click Create.
After you test and validate your connection as successful, we recommend setting your Database as a parameter so it can be set dynamcially based on the data you need access to (assumes the user you configured has access.
1. Click “Add dynamic content” after clicking within the “Database” field

2. Click the “+” button
3. Name your parameter “Database”
4. Set a default database name
4. Click within the text area
5. Click on your parameter labeled “Database”. That will insert the proper parameter expression as shown below.

This configuration will allow you to set the database anytime you create a data pipeline.
Common issues
Access from Azure DataFactory to Snowflake due to network policy restrictions. If you get an error related to a blocked IP, you need to whitelist access from Azure DataFactory into Azure. We have an article that covers this topic and includes the specific Azure West2 and Azure East2 IPs.
Access to Warehouse and Database. Make sure the user you utilize has access to the Database and Warehouse. Also make sure you double check to ensure the name of the database and warehouse match what is in Snowflake. It is common to mistake the warehouse, schema and database.
Ensure Snowflake system user has logged in or system reset. If you created a new Snowflake inside of Snowflake but never set the User Type as “service” and never logged in as that user (common scenario), you may need to manually reset the password. The reason is Snowflake users created are required to change their password on first login. This happens when you do not set a