DataTools Pro Coda Bundle delivers your metrics glossary to more team members
Your metrics definitions are most valuable when they are easy to access and universally understood. For companies like yours that use Coda, we have built a DataTools Pro Coda Bundle that makes governing and distributing your metrics easier with DataTools Pro.
The DataTools Pro Coda bundle ensures your Salesforce, data, analytics, and business teams have immediate access to your metrics glossary. Coda is the perfect knowledge and AI brain to deliver metrics and relationships
How does DataTools Pro integrate with Coda?
DataTools Pro offers a native Coda bundle designed to connect and extract your metrics glossary seamlessly.
How can I get started?
Sign up for DataTools Pro for free using your credentials. To learn about our Coda Bundle, view our integration page.
What other data is shared between DataTools and Coda?
Currently we have integrated our Coda bundle to consume metrics glossaries from DataTools Pro. We are working on bi-directional support and always open to expanding DataTools Pro integration points with Coda.
What other apps and services does DataTools Pro integrate with?
View our integrations page to view all current and upcoming integrations for DataTools Pro.
Coda Metrics Glossary features from DataTools
Auto-generate your Metrics Glossary
DataTools Pro simplifies management of your key metrics from Salesforce, Tableau, and other sources to help you manage definitions and track change overtime so you can distribute into Coda with confidence.
First class Coda Bundle for DataTools
We built a native Code Bundle for DataTools Pro that is designed to pull your metrics glossary directly into Coda. This secure and seamless integration is designed to provide a first class Coda experience with DataTools Pro
Select and auto-sync metrics and KPIs
Select metrics by category or line of business and set a refresh interval to enusre your metrics glossary remains up to date across your organization. Publish one onr many glossaries to ensure Coda users and Coda Brain has proper context.